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EFA Clubs and 



The goal of our Clubs program is to provide a space for Mekensa to expand their cultural horizons and build a connection with the community.

What we offer: 

  • A room at the center for 90 minutes per week every other week. 

  • A portion of the expenses required to run the club: 50 percent of expenses

  • An online space on our website and social media for the club to post its achievements, projects, and products.

Procedure to start a club : 

  • For adults: We will launch a club once we have at least six people who are interested in taking part in it. Once the requisite number of people have joined, they will elect a chairperson whose job will be to discuss with administration issues such as facilities, rooms, extra supplies, etc. We offer to pay 50 percent of club expenses. 

  • For kids: They are classes, not clubs. Kids will be accompanied by teachers and they will receive tuition on how to learn to draw, act or paint... Most classes are small usually 6-10 students in each class. 


Clubs sessions last 1 hour and 30 minutes, and take place once every two week.

Clubs/Workshops for Kids

Fun, social, interactive, small-group classes that connect children from around the city.

Clubs/Wokrshops for Adults

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